The Paddler Tattler – November 12, 2020

TVCC Holiday Party
December 5th

Date: December 5, 2020; 5:30 – 9:30 pm
Location: Reflection Riding Nature Center and Arboretum

The annual TVCC Holiday Party will be held Dec 5th at Reflection Riding Arboretum. Due to COVID19 restrictions, we are limited to only 50 attendees and people are already signing up. In keeping with those restrictions, we will be providing box meals from Mike’s BBQ. Soft drinks will also be available.

Register on the Events Section of the TVCC Official Website.

Come join us for another wonderful TVCC Holiday Celebration.

We will be complying with all COVID 19 safety protocols such as social distancing and wearing masks (unless eating or drinking). If you have a fever, COVID symptoms or have been exposed to anyone infected with COVID 19, please stay home.

Looking for a Few (two) Members to join the TVCC Board of Directors

Do you want to make a difference in YOUR paddle club? The Directors map out the way ahead for club policy, activities, events, etc. Each director has a voice in everything the club does and hopes to accomplish for it’s hundreds of members.
Two positions are currently open:
Assistant Vice President: The AVP’s primary role/responsibility is to support Paddle School by managing the annual auction. If you are an outgoing, go getter, this job is for you! You will lead a team of other volunteers working with the paddling and local community to obtain donations for the auction, which is the main fundraiser for the club. Over the years, TVCC has raised and donated thousands of dollars for worthy organizations that in turn, support paddlers and the paddling community in this area.
Non-paddling cruise master: Do you like to plan parties and other social events? TVCC needs someone to take on this important activity that brings paddlers together off the water and allows us to get to better know many of the great people in our club. An example of a job requirement is the annual Christmas party currently planned for December 5th. TVCC has also hosted virtual events on Zoom and other platforms. Naturally, you will have help planning and implementing these important networking events.
Interested or have questions?

Please contact Darren Caputo, TVCC President.

TVCC Adopts a River for Cleanup

With the annual Tennessee River clean up canceled, the TVCC Conservation team decided to “Adopt a river” for clean up. This two year effort kicked off with a clean-up on October 25th of the Audubon section of the South Chickamauga and Audubon Acres itself, the oldest wildlife Sanctuary in Chattanooga.
According to the Chattanooga Audubon Society
“We owe a huge debt of gratitude to the Tennessee Valley Canoe Club for organizing a creek cleanup at Audubon Acres last weekend. After the tornado in April our little section of South Chickamauga Creek collected a decent amount of debris, including EIGHT tires! Thanks to the efforts of this tenacious group of volunteers our creek is both cleaner and happier!”

TRIP REPORT: Overnighter

Photos by Lorye Nichols and Carolyn Rand

Although the overnighter group was disappointed that we could not camp at Pot Point due to TVA spilling a lot of water through the dam, we moved our trip to the Hiwassee area, and had a wonderful time paddling on Saturday and hiking on Sunday to a waterfall. The weather was perfect.
Carolyn Rand

Check out the official
TVCC website

for all the latest new plus details on all upcoming events, including Paddle School!
Follow TVCC Facebook Page (Events) for list and details on upcoming events.
Check out Photos and stories about recent club activities.