50th Anniversary Race Winners

By Rachel Roman
Photos by Dan Henry / DanHenryPhotography.com`
(If you would like to see the rest of the 342 photos from the celebration, you can access them at:  http://www.danhenryphotography.com/gallery/2017-TVCC-50th/G0000r481ygFtg94 )


With 40 racers in kayaks, canoes, pool floats, and even a homemade hammock raft, the competition was hot in the commemorative Hiwassee Race.  Check out the top racers in each category!



Rock Star: 1st: Alex Eddlemon.





Kid’s Tandem: 1st: Brandon and Candace Beaty.  2nd Place: Carl and Cooper Whipp.


Kayak: 1st: Mason Shaner. 2nd: Michael Anderson. 3rd: Michael Brown.


Death Traps (Alternative Vessels): 1st: Darren Caputo and Jessica Kziazek. 2nd: Nancy Packard. 3rd: Alyse Avery


Adult Tandem: 1st: Tom and Bryson Popp. 2nd: Julie Wright and Allie Reddington.  3rd: Doug Peace and Flavia Mercado.


AARP Class: 1st: Michael Shannon. 2nd: Paul Shoun. 3rd: Debbie McCrae.


And finally, a special award for the greatest combined boat and paddler age went to Paul Shoun with a total age of 85 years!

We were so lucky to have so many racers and volunteers supporting the club in making this race a huge success.

























Congratulations to everyone.