16th Annual Ocoee River Race will be October 12, 2024

To register as a Racer, click the blue button:

To register as Safety Support (boat or shore) click the orange button:

To register as a General Volunteer, click the green button:


TVCC is proud to host the Annual Ocoee River Race on the exciting Middle Section from the Dam #2 Put-In to Powerhouse! The race brings together some of the greatest paddling legends from across the Southern Appalachians and all of America to help us raise money for great charitable organizations in our region. You are required to be a club member to enter the race.

Classes and details are listed below; at least three entries in each class are required in order to win prizes, but anyone can race for time. Racers may participate in up to two classes.

Kayak Classes

  • Men's Shortboat

    Kayaks 9’4” or less in length

  • Women's Shortboat

    Kayaks 9’4” or less in length

  • Men's Longboat

    Any kayak >9’4" or over in length

  • Women's Longboat

    Any kayak >9’4" or over in length

  • Elite Men's Shortboat

  • Elite Men's Longboat

  • Elite Women's Longboat

OC1 Classes

  • Shortboat

    OC1 9’2” or less in length

  • Longboat

    Any open boat 9’3” or over in length


  • Hand Paddle

    Short Boats Only

  • Tandem

    Open Boat or Kayak

  • Raft

    Up to six team members

  • C1


  • Tandem Parent-Child

    Parent & Child (Under 16 years old) team

  • Inflatable Kayak

    Spuds, Taters, and more

  • Cataraft - Shedder slice

Race Details for All Paddlers

Raft Details & Registration

RAFT TEAMS:  Raft teams may consist of any number of paddlers.  The guide for each raft should wear the race bib number.  The bow of each raft will be marked with an X at check in with colored duct tape to help time keepers and race marshals distinguish racing rafts from all the outfitter rafts with their guests. Rafts will race following the last entry in the Ocoee Race.  

Volunteer Details & Registration

8:00 – 8:30 Volunteers report to parking area above middle Ocoee put in (you will be directed to exact time prior to race)

Ladies and Gentlemen, I need volunteers to help with safety. Everything from throw ropes to live bait will be needed. We need as much help as we can get so that we can work in shifts at each station. In the past there have been questions regarding who can help with safety at this event. Below are actual transcripts from conversations with our Jedi Master, Swift Water.

“But Swiftwater Jedi Master, I am not an Ocoee boater”.
No matter, we can still use you. There are many tasks for those that are not Ocoee boaters.

“But Swiftwater Jedi Master, I wanted to race in the race”.
Not a problem, we will work in shifts at each station. This will allow folks who participate in the safety crew to also race if they so choose.

“But Swiftwater Jedi Master, I have no SWR training or desire to help a fellow boater in need”.
Not a problem. Help is needed at the starting line, registration, finish line, set up, break down, someone to pump the keg. There are many tasks that require your special touch.

“But Swiftwater Jedi Master, I need something more. I need that intangible thing that I cannot define”
Did I mention that there is a great after party/awards ceremony? After which, the participants fall into tents in a stupor of satisfaction for a job well done.

If you’re interested in On River Safety, please contact TVCC Safety Officer after filling out your registration form at Info@tvccpaddler.com.

RACE COURSE:  The  race course is from the put in eddy of the middle Ocoee to below Powerhouse Rapid.  Rafts will be released individually at a minimum of five minute intervals; kayaks will be released at one-minute intervals.  Any boat leaving the eddy prematurely will be disqualified.  Finish time will be determined when the racer tags the time keeper raft with their boat.  The time keeper raft will be on the bank in the river right eddy below Powerhouse Rapid and will be marked with a bright yellow finish sign.  Verify your race number with a time keeper before continuing to the private boater takeout.  The winner will be determined by the lowest time score.

PLEASE RETURN YOUR RACE BIB TO THE RAFT AFTER THE FINISH LINE.  Anyone not returning their racing bib will be disqualified from awards and will be banned from all future TVCC Ocoee River Races.

SAFETY:  All paddlers competing in the race must wear an approved PFD and helmet.  On-water safety will be set up along the river at key locations.  See map at race day registration for safety boater locations.

8:00-10:00 Registration and number pick up at the upper parking lot at the middle put in. Participates will be emailed prior to the race with specific check in time and race start time.

11:00 Racing begins

QUESTIONS:  Direct all questions to TVCC Race Director at Info@tvccpaddler.com