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Hot Weather – Injuries
Heat Cramps
- Muscle cramps (arms, legs, and/or stomach)
- Heavy sweating (wet skin)
- Extreme thirst
- Move victim to a shady area and loosen clothing
- Have the victim drink water
- Watch the victim. Continue to provide water if he/she accepts it
- Get medical help if cramps continue
Heat Exhaustion
- Heavy sweating with pale, moist, cool, or hot skin
- Weakness
- Dizziness
- Fatigue
- Heat cramps
- Nausea (with or without vomiting/diarrhea)
- Tunnel vision
- Chills (goose bumps)
- Rapid breathing
- Confusion
- Tingling of the hands and/or feet
- Move the victim to a cool, shady area and loosen/remove clothing
- Have the victim slowly drink water
- Elevate the victim’s legs
- Get medical help if symptoms continue
- Watch the victim until symptoms are gone or medical help arrives
Heat Stroke
- Hot
- Disoriented
- Delirious
- Unconscious
- Heat exhaustion (see above)
- No sweating (red, flushed, hot, dry skin)
- Move the victim to a cool, shady area and loosen or remove clothing
- Start cooling the victim immediately
- Immerse victim in water, fan to cool victim, and massage extremities and skin with cool water
- Elevate the victim’s legs
- Have the victim slowly drink water if he/she is conscious
- Medical Emergency – evacuate to medical facility immediately
Cold Weather – Hypothermia
Initial Symptoms
- Shivering
- Dizzy, drowsy
- Withdrawn behavior
- Irritability
- Confusion
- Slowed, slurred speech
- Altered vision
- Stumbling
Severe Stages
- Stops shivering
- Desire to lie down and sleep
- Heartbeat and breathing is faint or undetectable
- Unconsciousness followed by DEATH
- Prevent further cold exposure
- Evacuate immediately if severe hypothermia
- Remove wet clothing
- Rewarm by any means possible
- Give warm, sweet liquids if conscious
- Minimize handling of the unconscious victim so as to not induce a heart attack